The Top 10 Inner Thigh Exercises for Sexy B*tches


Now, no need to go crazy trying to get a “thigh gap” (it’s not natural!), but we’ve got good news: There are lots of simple exercises that target your inner thighs and don’t even require motivating your booty to the gym. Certified Pilates instructor Mary Miller from The Studio MDR offers her top ten exercises on how to tone your inner thighs

Warm Up

For starters, working out is kind of like having sex. You need some foreplay, a.k.a. a warm up, before you get started. Miller recommends starting off in push up position. Starting with the right leg, kick your leg under your body and out to the side, opening up your hips. Cross your right leg under your torso, kicking it out to the opposite side and opening up your hips. Straighten your leg and keep it as high as possible, not touching the floor. Alternating legs, do this exercise for one minute before moving on to your workout.

The Doggie Kick

From the push up position, drop down to your knees so that you’re on all fours. Lift the right leg out to the side, keeping it straight at a 90-degree angle. Point your toe and lift your right leg up and down for one minute. Lightly touch the floor with your toes. Repeat on the left side.

Shape-Up Circles

Starting in the same position as the Doggie, hold your right leg straight out at 90 degrees, keeping your foot in line with your hip and slowly circling forward for 30 seconds. Switch and circle backwards for 30 seconds. Note: These should be tiny to small circles. Repeat on the left side.

Back Circles

Without dropping it, move your RIGHT? leg out behind you so that your heel is lined upwith your butt. Slowly circle your leg for 30 seconds one direction and then switch directions and circle slowly for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left side.

Laying Leg Lift

Drop down to your right side, supporting your weight on your hip and elbow. Cross your left leg in front of your right thigh, grabbing the back of your ankle with your left hand. Lift your bottom leg up and down for one minute. Do not let the right foot touch the floor. Repeat on the left side.

Slicing Scissor Raises

Lay on your back and open up your legs, straight into a V position (maybe you’ve tried this one in bed?) Pointing your toes, pulse for a minute straight.

Wide Plie Squat

Stand with your feet spread wide apart and toes turned out. Hold your hands behind your head, tuck your pelvis, and slowly squat down until your knees are bent at ninety degrees (about a 4 second count). (Ballerinas call this “plie” [plee-ay].) Then slowly lift yourself back up until your legs are straight again. Continue the exercise for one minute.

The Plie Pulse

In the same wide plie position, pulse up and down for 20 seconds. (You should be familiar with that pulsing sensation from your practicing your kegels!) Then hold in a squat position for 20 seconds with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Repeat this sequence three times.
